March 23, 2012

How to pass CCNA guaranteed

The two most significant things to study on the test are the OSI model and TCP/IP addressing and subnetting.  If you know both of those very, very well, then you are guaranteed about 50% on the exam.  The rest comes from this sheet.

The last bit of advice is that you didn’t believe me on the importance of knowing the OSI model, learn it backwards, forwards, sideways, and be prepared to answer really nit-picky questions about it.

OSI Model
               File, print, message, database, and applications
               Determines availability of the target host.
               www, email, ftp, telnet, edi, quake
               Data Encryption, compression, and
translation services
               Determines the syntax of the data transfer.
               Pict, tiff, jpet, midi, mpeg, quicktime, etc
               Dialog control, coordinates the comunications
               Nfs, sql, rpc, x windows, asp (appletalk session protocol), DNA SCP (digital whatzit)

               End-to-end communication
               Responsible for hiding the communications from the higher layers.
               TCP / UDP
               IP  /  ICMP, BootP, ARP, RARP

Data Link
Ethernet II, 802.5 (token ring), 802.3, 802.2 (802.3 with dsap and ssap logical link control fields)
Media access control: MAC: 48 bits, 3 bytes vendor + 3 bytes serial number
High-level datalink control HDLC (cisco default for serial links)
Synchronous Data Link Control SDLC (uses polling)
Link Access Procedure, Balanced LAPB
x.25, slip, ppp, isdn, Frame Relay
Bridges / Switches
               v.24, v.35, x.21, g.703, hssi, etc
               Repeaters / Hubs

DOD Model

               Process/application          à                          application, presentation, session
               Host-to-host                       à                          transport
               Internet                               à                          network
               Network access                 à                          Datalink / physical

                              802.3 CSMA/CD  |  Ethernet_II  |   802.2
                              10base2/thinnet: 185 meters
                              10base5/thicknet: 500 meters
                              10baseT: can run above 10Mbps 200ish meters
                                             5-4-3 rule: 5 segments, 4 repeaters, 3 segments populated
                              100BaseTX:  100 meters, up to 2 repeaters.  Packets between 512  and 1518.
                              100 Mbps
                              token passing with dual counter-rotating rings
                              4 / 16 Mbps
                              53-byte cells

               Flow Control
                              Contention: CSMA/CD : Carrier Sense Multiple Access, Collision Detect
                              Token Passing: Token Ring, Fiddi
                              Polling: SDLC, some HDLC, some HP ethernet stuff

               Store – and – forward
                              Buffers whole frame before forwarding
                              Forward frame as soon as destination address is available
               Fragment Free
Does Cut-Through after 64 bytes are received to stop collision packets from being forwarded.

               802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol STP
                              detect and eliminates loops in routed network
                              STA: Spanning Tree Algorithm
                                             Sends out BPDUs: Bridge protocol data units

               VLAN: Virtual Lans
                              Create ‘logical’ networks by location, function or department.. or protocol, or whatever.
Done with a switch using Frame-Tagging (can be used between switches if you have ISL inter-switch link)  Frame-Tagging uses unique user-defined identifiers while within the switch fabric, and is very scalable.


               Port numbers:

                              TCP: protocol number 6
                                             ftp: 21
                                             telnet: 23
                                             smtp: 25
                              UDP: protocol number 17
                                             Dns: 53
                                             Tftp: 69
                                             Snmp: 161
                              0-255: public assigned
                              256 – 1023: assigned to companies
                              1023+ user defined / source addresses
               IP Addressing:
               Class      leading bits          decimal range of first byte
               A            0                            1-127
               B            10                          128-191
               C            100                       192-223
               Learn the rest of the stuff…. Way out of scope of this.

Cisco considers the mask to be the bits beyond what is ‘normal’ for that class address, not the entire number of bits in the subnet mask, sometimes….


               Protocl Stack:
               Application, presentation, session               à           RIP, SAP, NCP, NLSP, etc…
               Transport                                           à           IPX, SPX
               Network                                                            à           IPX
               Data link                                            à           ODL Open Data Link
               Physical                                                            à           whatever

                              Connectionless, and communicates via sockets
                              Each host runs its own internal ipx network in addition to any lan network
                                             10 byte address
                                             first 4 bytes are network – need to be unique, otherwise whatever..
                                             last 6 bytes are node  - usually just use the MAC address
                              Sequence Packet eXchange
                              Connection oriented protocol
                              Creates virtual circuits, with specific connection IDs           
                              Routing information protocol
                              Distance vector protocol that establishes routes between ipx networks
                              Judges based on ticks (1/18 second units) and hops
                              Broadcast every 60 seconds
                              Used to provide each server with a complete network map
                              Service advertising protocol
                              Servers use it to advertise, clients use it to locate services
                              Broadcast every 60 seconds
                              NetWare Link Services Protocol
                              Link-state protcol to replace RIP and SAP someday…
                              NetWare Core Protocol
                              Provides access to server resources

               Netware in a nutshell
                              -Strict client-server model (nobody is both)
                              -Servers provide files, printing, messaing, applications, and databases
-Every netware server (or cisco router) creates a SAP table of all services offered by all servers
-A client issues a GNS (GetNearestServer request) broadcast to find out what is on the local SAP

               Netware frame types                                                                                    Features
802.3                                                                                                                               default on NetWare <=3.11
802.2                                                                                                                               default on NetWare 3.12+
ethernet_ii                                                                                      supports tcp/ip and ipx
ethernet_SNAP                                                                              appletalk, tcp/ip, and ipx
--- all of these are incompatible… god love’m

Routing Protocols
               RIP: Routing Information Protocol
                              Distance – vector routing protocol
                              Updates every 30 seconds             
                              Route invalid timer 90 seconds: time before route considered invalid.
                              Route flush timer: 240 seconds: route removed from table
                              Can use metrics (1-15) to weight against some interfaces
                              15 hop limit
OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
               Link-state routing
               Very infrequent broadcast updates
               Extremely granular metrics
NLSP: Novell’s Link State Protocol
IGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (cisco proprietary)
               Metrics and hop count from 1-255
               Measures delay in units of 10 milliseconds
               Measures bandwidth – on serial connection this needs to be set, default is T1
               Measures reliability as 1-255 (255 optimal):
               Measures load: 0-255 (0 = no-load)
               Allows multi-path routing (dual links of equal bandwidth to 1 location)
               Implements hold-downs, split horizons, and poision reverse updates
               Update timer is 90 seconds, invalid timer is 270 seconds (3 times update)
               Hold down timer is 280 (3 times update +10 seconds)
flush timer is 630 seconds (7 times update)
administrative distances: (reliability of information)
0 = direct connection, 1 = static, 100 = igrp, 110 =ospf, 120 = rip, 255 = unknown
EIGRP: Enhanced IGRP
               Hybrid routing protocol
               Uses distance vectors, however they are triggered by changes, not timers.
               Faster convergence, multiprotocol support

               Distance- vector:
                              Uses second-hand info
                              Problems detecting /closing routing loops (counting to infinity)
                              Judges ‘best’ based on hop counts
                              Convergence can get pretty lengthy
                              Split horizion:     enforces that inforation is not sent back in direction it came from
                              Route poisoning: Helps prevent incorrect updates by setting route down explicitly
                              Hold-downs: prevents routes from changing too quickly, to allow time for stabilization
                              No-second hand info, and understands entire network
                              Uses LSP packets to build ‘personal’ copy of entire network structure to route from
                              LSP: link-state packets or “hello packets”
                              Chooses ‘best’ path based on: bandwidth, congestion, metrics, etc.
                              Update times can be set very lengthy as changes cause triggered udpates.

EXTERIOR routing protocols
               EGP: Exterior Gateway Protocol
                              Polls neighbors
exchanges info about AS with neighbors
distance vector
very simple
               BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
                              Can detect routing loops
                              Can work between AS

Other Random Cisco protocols
               CDP: Cisco Discovery Protocol
                              Runs SNAP: SubNetwork Access Protocol at the datalink layer.
-        this allows routers running different protocols to still communicate
-        60 second updates, 180 second hold time

#show cdp interface
               interface information, encapsulation info, and timing information

#show cdp entry <name or * for all>
               shows detailed information about other routers on network

#show cdp neighbors
               shows summary information that is being exchanged

#show cdp neighbor detail
               extended listing of info for all routers

#show cdp traffic
               shows packets sent / received amount neighbors

                              Plain Old Telephone Service.  (politely is: pstn: public switched telephone network)
                              Demarc: end of responsbility for provider, start for customer
                              CPE: customer premise equipment
                              Local loop: wire from CO to demarc
                              CO: Central Office: provider POP : point of presence
                              Synchronous Data-Link Control
                              Used originally for SNA
                              Point –to-point or multipoint
                              Bounded or unbounded media, half or full duplex
                              Circuit or packet-switched networks
                              2 node types.  Primay or Secondary (controlled by primary)
                              High-Level Data-Link Control protocol
This is the default communication method for cisco routers of sync links, and is proprietary
This came after SDLC, and was modified into LAP and LAPB.
HDLC transfer modes:
               NRM: Normal Response Mode: secondaries only speak when spoken to by pri
               ARM: Async Response Mode: sec. can speak on own
               ABM: Async Balanced Mode: nodes can be both pri and sec
               LAPB:Link Access Procedure Balanced: built into x.25

                              Dial on demand Routing
·        be sure and setup route as static, and with specified distance over 200 to make sure it is ‘last resort’

               Point-to-point communication between DTE and DCE
               DTE: Data Terminal Equipment (router or terminal, or whatever)
               DCE: Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (csu/dsi or modem)
               PSE: Packet Switching Exchange: switches inside carriers network
               Addresses defined by x.121 as a 14 digit number
                              DNIC:Data Network Identified Code is first 4 bits of address
                              Rest of address is assigned by the administrator
               Full-duplex protocol
               ‘overbuilt’ with lots of error checking
               Created SVC or PVC connections (switched or Permanent virtual circuits)

                              Packet layer protocol
                              x.25’s network layer protocol
                              modes: call setup, data transfer, idle, call clearing, restarting
                              Link Access Procedure Balanced
                              Makes sure frames are error free and sequenced
                              Types of frames:
                              I              information         sequencing, flow control, error detect, recovery
                              S             supervisory         handles requests for, and suspension of transmittion
                              U            unnumbered        link setup and disconnections and error reporting

               Setting up X.25 on Cisco

               #interface <interface>
                              #encap x25
                                             #x25 address <14 digit number>
                                             to set the address
                                             #x25 ips <bytes>
                                             to configure Input Packet Size
                                             #x25 ops <bytes>
                                             to configure Output Packet Size
                                             #x25 win <integer>
                                             to configure Window Input Size
                                             #x25 wout <integer>
                                             to configure Window Output Size

               Frame Relay
                              Shared Bandwidth
                              Can setup a CIR (Committed Information Rate)
                              Assumed error-checking is handled at another, higher, layer
                              PVCs are created at layer 2.
                              DLCIs: Data-link connection Identifiers : are used to identify virtual circuit connections.
                              DLCI address are assigned by the provider and then mapped to IP addresses by the router
                              LMI: Local management Interface
                              These are autodetected in current IOS versions….. however:
                              Keyword              Meaning
                              Cisco:    defined by industry group, and default
                              ANSI:    Annex D defined by T1.617
                              Q933a:  Defined by ITU-T Annex A Q.933A
                              LMI can be used to determine the global significance of the DLCI numbers.

                              Setup of Frame Relay on Cisco
                              #interface <interface>
                                             #encapsulation frame-relay [ietf, or default is cisco]
use default to talk to other cisco routers, use ietf encapsulation to talk to non-cisco.

                                             #frame-relay interface-dlci <dlci number>
                                             to map dlci number to current interface, or subinterface
                                             Then specify an IP address for that subinterface

                                             Optionally you can hard-code the address on the other end.
                                             #encap frame-relay [ietf]
                                             #no inverse-arp
                                             turns off auto addressing features
                                             #ip address <ip address> <subnet mask>
                                             #frame-relay map ip <address> <metric ? > [cisco] [broadcast]
                                             this lets you mix encap types, and allow broadcast over interface

                              Monitoring Frame Relay
                                             #show frame ?
                                                            ip            ip statistics
                                                            lmi         lmi stats
                                                            map        map table
                                                            pvc         pvc stats – this one displays the DLCI #
                                                            route      route info
                                                            traffic    protocol stats

                              Point to Point Protocol
                              Userfull for dial-up or sync links (ISDN)
                              Authenticate using PAP: password authentication protocol or
                                             CHAP: Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

                              Integrated Services Digital Network
                              Terminal equipment types:
                                             TE1: understands ISDN
                                             TE2: predates ISDN and needs a TA (terminal adapter) to work
                              ISDN reference points:
                                             R: between non-isdn device and TA
                                             S: between terminal and NT2 device
                                             T: point between NT1 and NT2
                                             U: point between NT1 and  carrier line termination device
                              ISDN protocol codes:
                                             E: existing telephone network
                                             I: concepts, terms, and services
                                             Q: switching and signaling
                              ISDN service levels:
                                             Connect to lines with SPIDs (service Profile Identfiers) (phone numbers..)
                                             BRI: Basic Rate Interface:  2B + 1D
                                                            B = 64kbs, D=16Kbps = 128kbs plus control
                                             PRI: Primary Rate Interface: 23B + 1D
                                                            Total of 1.544Mbps

                              Configuring ISDN BRI
                                             #isdn switch-type ?
                                             tons of proprietary switch types
                                             #interface <interface>
                                             typicaly bri0, or something like that.
                                                            #encap ppp
                                                            ppp is method used to setup isdn phone calls
                                                            #isdn spid1 <spid1>
                                                            #isdn spid2 <spid2>

                              Configuring ISDN PRI
                                             #controller <interface> <location>
                                             typicaly something like #controller T1 1/0
                                                            #framing efs
                                                            sets Extended Super Framing, this is normal for T1/ PRI line
                                                            #linecode b8zs
line-conding mechanism to assist with timing by preventing strings of zeros
                                                            #pri-group timeslots <value from 1-24>
                                                            sets number of timeslots

Access lists:
                              Access lists must be created, then applied to an interface
                              Access lists can filter incoming or outgoing from an interface
                              Packets are compared only until a match is made
                              Packets that do not meet any criteria on the list are discarded

               Wildcard masking:
                              Nifty, acts like a reverse subnet mask:
                              Example: would wildcard all hosts on class C network    would indicate no wildcarding
               host: : just specified host
               any: absolutely anything
                              * when using keyword it comes before IP address, when using mask it comes after!!!!

               List number scheme
               List number range                                                          meaning
1-99                                                                                                             ip standard list
100-199                                                                                                    ip extended access list

800-899                                                                                                    ipx standard
900-999                                                                                                    ipx extended access list
1000-1099                                                                       IPX SAP access list

               IP access list creation
               #access-list <number of list> <permit | deny> <source address> [<mask>]

               IP extended access list
               #access-list <number> <permit |deny> <protocol> <source> <destination> <port>
               source and destination can be masked
               port can be ‘eq’ for equal, ‘neq’ not equal, ‘log’ logged, or assorted other things
               port can also be keyworeded: www, smtp, finger, ftp, telnet, etc…..

               ipx access list
               #access-list <number> <permit|deny> <source network number> <destination network number>
no wildcarding needed with ipx
-1 is used to indicate ‘any network address’

extended ipx access lists
#access-list <number> <permit|deny> <protocol> <source> <socket> <destination> <socket>
-1 still indicates ‘any’ for socket or source address

IPX SAP access lists
#Access-list <number> <permit|deny> <source> <service type>
service type is numeric value

               Applying Access list to Interface
               #interface <interface>
                              #ip access-group <number of list> <in | out>

               #show access-list
shows the lists and how many matches for each line
               #clear access-list counters <access list number>
               clears statistics

Keyword log can be placed at the end of extended access lists, and info will be logged to console by default, or could be re-directed to a error-log server
Logs include: access list number, source and destination port/address and number of packets.

               Displaying access list info             
               #Show ip interface <interface>
               displays which list is enabled for the interface, both incoming and outgoing
               #show running-config
               shows just about everything….including details of what makes up each access-list

CISCO Things:
Startup sequence
               Bootstrap                                           from Rom
               Cisco IOS                                           from Flash
                                                                           From tftp
                                                                           From Rom
               Configuration File                            from NVRAM
                                                                           From tftp server
                                                                           From console

Editing commands
               Toggle on/off:                    Terminal editing / terminal no editing
               Control +
                              A            move to beginning of line
                              E             end
                              F             forward
                              B            back
                              P             previous
                              N            most recent
               Show history
               Terminal history size        set buffer size
               Arrow keys also work to edit and scroll through buffer

               Enable secret:     one-way crypto password, has priority over ‘normal’ enable password
                              #config terminal
                                             #enable secret <password>
               Enable password:                             password to switch to priv mode
                              #config terminal
                                             #enable password <password>
               Virtual terminal password:                            password to allow telnet into router
                              #config terminal
               #line vty 0 <max number of logins>
                                             #password <whatever password>

               #banner motd <end Char>
                              yadda, yadda, yadda <end Char>

               #config t
                              #hostname <router hostname>

hostname resolution

               #ip host <target hostname> <target host ip address>
                              this acts like a host file to allow static name resolution
               #show hosts
                              displays configured hosts / ip addresses

               #ip domain-lookup
               #ip name-server <dns ip>
               to configure DNS, use the 2 commands above.  You can have up to 6 dns addresses
               #no ip domain-lookup
               disable dns lookkup

Interface Naming
               S             Serial
               E             Ethernet
               T             TokenRing
               F             Fiddi

               Number as card/port  or for 7000 series as VIP card/port (from 0) /interface (from 0)

Static Routing for IP
               Config with:
                              #Ip route <network> <mask> <address|interface> [distance]

               Display with:
                              #Show ip route
                              #Show ip route static

               Remove ip routes with:
                              #No ip route <network>

               Default route / route of last resort : (set network and mask to all 0s)
               #Ip route <address>

               IP classless:
With IP classless ‘on’ packets are forward on a best-guess directly connected network instead of having them dropped.
                                             - this is used with default routes

                                             #ping <address>
                                             works with IP, ipx, appletalk, apollo, vines, and decnet
                                             #ping <fill out info as prompted>
                                             extended ping: works with ip, appletalk, and ipx to provide much more info
                                             #trace <protocol> <address>
                                             works with: ip, appletalk, clns, oldvines (cisco), vines (banyan).

                                             - remember that TCP is not on any of these lists… it is a higher-level protocol.

                                             How to bind multiple conflicting commands to 1 interface… use subinterfaces.
                                             Syntax is to place a period, then a integer after the device name.
                                             Example:             #int e0.100

               Configuring Dynamic Routing for IP
                                             #router rip
                                                            #network <network we want to advertise>
                                             -optional #passive <interface>
lets you run rip without advertising connection
-optional #neighbor <specific neighbor router>
lets info go over non-broadcast media (like WAN links)
                                             -optional #debug ip rip      or undebug ip rip
                                             This shows all updates to the console (sent or received advertisements)
                                             -optional #no router rip
                                             Disables rip routing

                                             #router igrp <autonomous system number 1-65535>
                                             turns on igrp and allows setting of AS number
                                                            #network <network we want to advertise>
                                             -optional #debug ip igrp events       #undebug ip igrp events
                                             logs to console when/what events are done
                                             -optional#debug ip igrp transactions  #undebug ip igrp transactions
                                             detailed log to console of what happens in each event

                              display routing info:
                                             #show ip route
                                             This displays all routes on the router, including how the route was ‘learned’
                                             R = rip, C = connected, S = static, I = igrp, o = ospf, etc

                                             #show ip route <protocol>
                                             displays routes ‘learned’ from specified protocol only

                                             #show ip protocol
                                             displays protocol and detailed info on timing, sources of info, filters, etc.

                                             #show ip interface
                                             shows all lots of info on all interfaces

                                             #show ip interface <interface>
                                             shows info specific to the interface

               IPX configuration
                              #ipx routing
                              to enable ipx routing

                              #interface <interface>
                              select an interface before providing specifc info for configuring ipx

                              #ipx network <ipx network address> [encapsulation <keyword for type>] [secondary]
-        secondary indicates if more than one encapsulation type is used on 1 interface, recomened to use sub-interfaces

table of info for configuring encapsulation types
interface type                     frame type                                         keyword
                              ethernet                               802.3                                                  novell-ether (default)
802.2                                                                   sap
ethernet_II                                         arpa
ethernet_snap                                   snap
                              token ring                           token-ring                                          sap (default)
                                                                           token-ring_snap                               snap
                              fddi                                      fddi_snap                                          snap (default)
802.2                                                                   sap
fddi_raw                                            novell-fddi

                              Show IPX servers
                              #show ipx servers
                              this displays the contents of the SAP, listing all servers and services

                              show IPX route
                              #show IPX route
                              shows the IPX routing table

                              #ipx maximum paths <2-512>
enable multiple paths to 1 destination

                              #show ipx traffic
                              generates traffic statistics on ipx network usage

                              #show ipx interface <interface>
                              detailed info on specific interface

                              #debug ipx <all kinds of things>
                              lots of debug information available

               Sources for IOS software:
                              Flash Memory
                                             Default and normally good idea
                                             #show flash
                                             lists all versions stored in flash, but does not specify which is running
                                             #show version
                                             specifies which version of IOS you are running currently                   
Tftp server
                                             Somewhat menu driven way to store and retrieve information to/from tftp server
                                             #copy flash tftp –lets you backup your ios saved in flash
                                             #copy tftp flash  -lets you download new versions or restore over bad versions

                              tftp to backup / restore config info
                                             #copy tftp running-config
                                             #copy running-config tftp

                              Configuring fallback sources for IOS software
                                             #boot system flash <ios_filename>
to boot from flash
                                             #boot system tftp <ios_filename> <tftp_address>
to boot from remote tftp server
                                             #boot system rom
                                             to boot from hard-coded ios version, this is a ‘last resort’ kinda thing to do

               IOS Commands that have little to do with routing

                              #show version
                                             os version, uptime, how it was last started up, where ios was loaded from
                                             hardware type and revision as well as detected interfaces

                              #show processes
shows pid, Queue priority, status (TY),  runtime in milliseconds, stack space, proc name

                              #show memory
                                             shows processor and I/O memory and watermarks / freespace

                              #show stacks
                                             shows cause of last crash, and esoteric info

                              #show buffers
                                             reveals size of buffers for small / middle / big / very big / large / huge

                              #show flash
                                             reveals size and amount free, as well as what is stored.

                              #show running-config
                                             shows the running configuration file

                              #show startup-config
                                             shows the startup configuration file

                              #show interface
                                             shows the hardware and their status, including usage stats

                              #show interface <interface>
                                             shows hardware status and usage for specific interface

                              #show protocol
                                             shows protocols enabled and routing info for each interface

                              #show ip protocol
                                             shows more detail than show protocol

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