March 23, 2012

CCNA Study Questions

The five steps of Encapsulation:
1) User information is converted to data.
2) Data is converted to segments.
3) Segments are converted to packets or datagrams.
4) Packets or datagrams are converted to frames.
5) Frames are converted to bits.

What kind of services are provided by the Presentation layer ?

What kind of services are provided by the Session layer ?

How to enable a Banner on a Cisco Router ?
Router(Config#) banner motd #

What are the three ways to display IPX interface e0 ?
sh ipx int e0
sh ipx interface e0
sh ipx interface ethernet0

What are the three ways to modify your running-configuration file ?

What's the default subnet mask for Class A, B and C IP adresses ?
Class A         
Class B         
Class C         

Which IP-class provides the least number of Hosts?
Class C

How to define access-list commands ?
wrong:         Router(config-if)# access-list 1 permit
right:           Router(config) # access-list 1 permit
The access list will be defined at global level, not at the interface level. It’s a small but important detail. The access group command will be defined at interface level:
Router(config) # int e0
Router(config-if) # access-group 1 out

What are the access-list ranges of IP (standard and extended) ?
1-99             IP standard access list
100-199       IP extended access list
know also:
600-699       Appletalk access list
800-899       IPX standard access list
900-999       IPX extended access list
1000-1099    IPX SAP access list

What happens to a packet which receives the end of an access list ?
There is an implicit deny any at the end of an access list. So if the packet is not allowed, it will be dropped.

Which command is used to view the access-list on serial0 interface ?
show access-lists s0

How many access-lists are possible on an interface per protocol ?
There can be only one access list for in and one for out on each interface per protocol.

What is the FrameRelay configuration command for the second subinterface ?
interface s0.2 point-to-point
interface s0.2 multipoint
point-to-point is a direct link between two routers. multipoint is a router in the center as a star of virtual circuits.

How to change the Enable Secret password to CCNA ?
Router(config)# enable secret CCNA

How to change the Enable password to CCNP ?
Router(config)# enable password CCNP

How to change the Virtual Terminal password to CCIE ?
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password CCIE

How to change the Auxiliary password to Cisco ?
Router(config)# line aux 0
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password Cisco

How to change the Console password to Cisco ?
Router(config)# line con 0
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password Cisco

What is the command to show you both source and destination DLCI's in one command ?
I'm thinking it is show frame-relay route but I'm not sure.

What is the command to show both source and destination addresses in ipx ?
debug ipx routing activity (not sure)

How are the ISDN protocols defined ?
I      stands for concepts, terminology and services
E     stands for existing telephone network
Q     stands for switching and signaling

What are the correct encapsulation type of frame-relay ?
Cisco (default)

How to monitor Frame-relay activity on a Cisco router ?
show interface s0
show frame-relay map

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