- 3DES Triple DES
- 6-to-4 IPv6-to-IPv4
- AAA Authentication, authorization, accounting
- ABR Area Border Router
- ACK acknowledge, acknowledgment, acknowledgment bit in a TCP segment
- ACL access control list
- ACS Access Control Server
- AD advertised distance
- ADSL asymmetric DSL
- AES Advanced Encryption Standard
- AfriNIC African Network Information Centre
- AH Authentication Header
- ALG application layer gateway
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- AON Application-Oriented Networking
- API application programming interface
- APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Center
- ARCNET Attached Resource Computer Network
- ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers
- ARP Address Resolution Protocol
- AS autonomous system
- ASA Adaptive Security Appliance
- ASBR Autonomous System Boundary Router
- ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- AToM Any Transport over MPLS
- BDR Backup Designated Router
- BGP Border Gateway Protocol
- BGPv4 or BGP-4 BGP Version 4
- BIS Bump-in-the-Stack
- BPDU bridge protocol data unit
- bps bits per second
- BRI Basic Rate Interface
- BSCI Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks
- CATV community antenna television
- CBAC context-based access control
- CCDP Cisco Certified Design Professional
- CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate
- CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional
- CCSP Cisco Certified Security Professional
- CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol
- CE Customer Edge
- CEF Cisco Express Forwarding
- CEFv6 Cisco Express Forwarding for IPv6
- CIDR classless interdomain routing
- CIR committed information rate
- CMTS Cable modem termination system
- CO Central office
- CoS class of service
- CPE customer provider edge
- customer premise equipment
- CPU central processing unit
- CSM Cisco Security Manager
- CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access collision detect
- DAD Duplicate address detection
- DBD database description packets
- DDP database description packets
- DES Data Encryption Standard
- DESGN Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions
- DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DHCPv6 DHCP for IPv6
- DiffServ Differentiated Services
- DLCI data-link connection identifier
- DMVPN Dynamic multipoint VPN
- DNA DoNotAge
- DNS Domain Name Service or Domain Name System
- DoD Department of Defense
- DR designated router
- DSL digital subscriber line
- DSLAM DSL access multiplexer
- DUAL Diffusing Update Algorithm
- E1 External Type 1
- E2 External Type 2
- EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
- EBGP External BGP
- e-bit external bit
- EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
- EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
- EoMPLS Ethernet over MPLS
- ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
- EUI-64 extended universal identifier 64-bit
- FD feasible distance
- FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security
- FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- FEC forwarding equivalence class
- FIB Forwarding Information Base
- FLSM fixed-length subnet mask
- FS feasible successor
- FTP File Transfer Protocol
- Gbps gigabits per second
- GET Group encrypted transport
- GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
- HDLC High-Level Data Link Control
- HFC hybrid fiber-coaxial
- HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol
- HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Hz hertz
- IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- IBGP Internal BGP
- ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
- ID identifier
- IDP initial domain part
- IDRP Interdomain Routing Protocol
- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
- IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
- IGP Interior Gateway Protocol
- IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
- IIN Intelligent Information Network
- IKE Internet Key Exchange
- IntServ Integrated Services
- IOS Internet Operating System
- IP Internet Protocol
- IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol
- IPM Internetwork Performance Monitor
- IPsec IP security
- IPv4 IP Version 4
- IPv6 IP Version 6
- IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
- IS 1. information systems
- 2. intermediate system
- ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
- ISATAP Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing
- IS-IS Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System
- IS-ISv6 IS-IS for IPv6
- ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISO International Organization for Standardization
- ISP Internet service provider
- ISR integrated services router
- ITIL IT Infrastructure Library
- ITU-T International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication
- Standardization Sector
- Acronyms and Abbreviations 5
- kbps kilobits per second
- L3 Level 3
- LACNIC Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- LAN local-area network
- LANE LAN Emulation
- LS link state
- LSA link-state advertisement
- LSAck link-state acknowledgment
- LSDB link-state database
- LSP link-state packet
- LSR link-state request
- LSU link-state update
- M metric
- MAC Media Access Control
- MAN metropolitan-area network
- MB megabyte
- MBGP Multiprotocol BGP
- Mbps megabits per second
- MD5 message digest algorithm 5
- MED Multi-Exit-Discriminator
- MIB Management Information Base
- MLD Multicast Listener Discovery
- MOSPF Multicast OSPF
- MP-BGP4 Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol Version 4
- MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
- ms Millisecond
- MTU maximum transmission unit
- NA Neighbor advertisement
- NAC Network Admission Control
- NAT Network Address Translation
- NAT-T NAT Traversal
- NAT-PT NAT-Protocol Translation
- NBMA nonbroadcast multiaccess
- NCP Network control protocol
- ND Neighbor discovery
- NLRI Network Layer Reachability Information
- NMS Network Management System
- NS Neighbor solicitation
- NSSA not-so-stubby area
- NTP Network Time Protocol
- ODR on-demand routing
- OER Optimized Edge Routing
- OS operating system
- OSI Open System Interconnection
- OSPF Open Shortest Path First
- OSPFv2 OSPF Version 2
- OSPFv3 OSPF Version 3
- OUI organizationally unique identifier
- P2P Point-to-point
- PAT Port Address Translation
- PBR policy-based routing
- PBX Private Branch Exchange
- PDM protocol-dependent module
- PDU protocol data unit
- PE Provider Edge
- POP point of presence
- POTS plain old telephone service
- PPDIOO Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, Optimize
- PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
- PPPoA PPP over ATM
- PPPoE PPP over Ethernet
- pps packets per second
- PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
- PRI Primary Rate Interface
- PSTN public switched telephone network
- PVC permanent virtual circuit
- QoS quality of service
- RA Router advertisement
- RF Radio frequency
- RFC Request For Comments
- RIB Routing Information Base
- RIP Routing Information Protocol
- RIPE-NCC Réseaux IP Européens-Network Coordination Center
- RIPng Routing Information Protocol new generation
- Acronyms and Abbreviations 7
- RIPv1 Routing Information Protocol Version 1
- RIPv2 Routing Information Protocol Version 2
- RIR Regional Internet registries
- RPF Reverse Path Forwarding
- RR route reflector
- RRI reverse route injection
- RS Router solicitation
- RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
- RTO retransmit timeout
- RTP Reliable Transport Protocol
- RTT round-trip time
- RTTMON Round-Trip Time Monitor
- SA security association
- SDSL Symmetric DSL
- SHA Secure hash
- SHDSL single-pair high-speed DSL
- SIA stuck in active
- SIN ships in the night
- SLAs Service level agreements
- SM source metric
- SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol
- SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
- SOHO small office/home office
- SONA Service-Oriented Network Architecture
- SP Service Provider
- SPF shortest path first
- SPT shortest path tree
- SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange
- SRTT smooth round-trip time
- ssh secure shell
- SSL Secure socket layer
- STP 1. shielded twisted-pair 2. Spanning Tree Protocol
- SVC switched virtual circuit
- SYN Synchronize
- TCP Transmission Control Protocol
- TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
- TLV Type, Length, Value
- TMN Telecommunications Management Network
- ToS type of service
- TTL Time To Live
- UDP User Datagram Protocol
- U/L Universal/Local
- URL Uniform Resource Locator
- UTP unshielded twisted-pair
- VC virtual circuit
- VDSL very high bitrate DSL
- VLAN virtual LAN
- VLSM variable-length subnet mask
- VoD video on demand
- VoIP Voice over IP
- VPN virtual private network
- VRF VPN routing and forwarding
- VT video telephony
- VTI Virtual tunnel interface
- VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol
- vty virtual terminal
- WAN wide-area network
- WAAS Wide Area Application Services
- WCCP Web Cache Communications Protocol
- WFQ weighted fair queuing
- WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
- WLAN wireless LAN
- WRED weighted random early detection
- WWW World Wide Web
- ZBF zone-based firewall
March 22, 2012
Usesful Acronyms for CCNA/CCNP
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